For some, paying cash is an easy way to acquire equipment. For others, paying cash may not be a good option. Cash flow can be vital to the success of any business.
Reducing your open lines of credit by using them to finance equipment can be risky. Having an available line of credit is a valuable tool to handle unforeseen financial emergencies.
The IRS will allow a business to deduct the full purchase price for qualifying equipment financed during that tax year. This way, you bascially get free usage of your equipment over that year.
You can choose from different payment terms that will best suit your needs, ranging from 24 to 60 months.
Can I get approved now without extensive financing statements? | (Full Payment Required) | ||
Can I defer payments until the equipment is installed correctly? | |||
Can I avoid financial reporting? | No, Shows Dept on Balance Sheet | (Full Payment Required) | |
Can I have no cash outlay or down payment? | No, Banks Require a Downpayment | ||
Can I match monthly payments to current cash flow requirements? | |||
Can I buy equipment quickly? | (Full Payment Required) | ||
Can I purchase used equipment? | (Full Payment Required) | ||
Do I have ownership options at the end of the term? | (Ownership Only) | (Ownership Only) |
Choose from a variety of payment terms to ensure the best fit for your business. Terms range from 24 to 60 mo.
Verbally Verify Arrival of Your Equipment.
LeaseStation leases features simplified documentation, easy one page applications, accelerated approval times, and more.
LeaseStation leases minimize your initial costs and allow you to earn profits from your new equipment faster.
Lease payments can be matched to project revenues, seasonal cash flow variations, budget limitations and other challenges.
LeaseStation can structure leases to meet FASB requirements for "off balance sheet" accounting treatment.
Payments are written off as they are made for company that do not qualify or choose not to employ the Article 179 alternative.
Leases do not include blanket liens, restrictive covenants, rate escalator clauses, "call anytime" provisions, compensating balance requirement, or any of those other nasty little surprises that tend to be part of traditional lending arrangements.