For regular house, building or a sidewalk pressure cleaning, we suggest you consider a compact pressure washer (1800 - 2500 PSI) or pickup mount pressure washers. If you are interested in deck cleaning and strip paint jobs we recommend electric pressure washers or exceptionally powerful honda powerwashers.
A pressure washer is one of the best time saving tools to come along in years. Besides cleaning the house or a building from a dust, dirt, or bird residual, pressure washing houses should also be done when you want to prepare it for new paint by removing a chalking residue from old oil or latex paint. Our high-velocity water sprays are exceptionally good not only because they're fast but also because they scour the old paint so the new coat will adhere better.
We would like to show you how to pressure wash your house safely and professionally, so that it will look just like new and/or you will be able to prepare the surface for a new paint. Pressurewashing will work on wood, granite, asphalt, bricks and aluminum. We do not recommend using it only on hard boards because they are more sensitive and if the pressure is applied for extended and long periods the surface can be damaged.
Please, do not use a ladder in order to pressure wash high points since the recoil from the pressure can knock you off balance. Make sure you cover all electric outlets and always avoid lights since water can create a short circuit. Before you pressure wash black spots and clean top corners, identify whether you are dealing with fungus or just extremely dirty areas. Spray any household bleach on the blackened area and if it does not fade away you can clean it with a pressure washer. If it does, you will have to use a brush.
Caution! Do not put any type of bleach into your pressure washer; the bleach will damage the parts of your pressure washer.
Now, we will lead you step by step on how to pressure wash house and clean the outside of the building so that it gets a new and fresh look. In order to protect your face and eyes, wear goggles and also wear clothing that will keep you from getting soaked. Even though you are wearing protective gear during house pressure washing, you can expect to get wet.
Caution! Pressure washing is today's best-known paint prep method; however, if the exterior paint contains lead it is not the safest method. Contact your local health department for safe handling instructions.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.
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