Go to our duct cleaning page to look at our duct cleaning units.
Today I’m going to be talking about restaurant duct cleaning. A couple key points to having your ducts cleaned in restaurants, the first being safety through fire prevention. A lot of elements build up in those exhaust ducts in restaurants such as oil, grease, and dust; all of which are highly flammable. So duct cleaning is going to remove all those dangerous elements from your exhaust ducts. Also you're susceptible to possible heat buildup in a kitchen if you're storing perishable items. Those things could suffer from buildup of those chemicals or elements in your exhaust ducts. Also, cleanliness is an important part of a restaurant's function. Ducts are usually overlooked and are definitely viable to a restaurant's capabilities. Duct cleaning should be performed about once every three months. And for high volume restaurants, the ducts should be cleaned once every month, such as fast food restaurants. All our duct cleaners can be used with either hot or cold water pressure washers. They're with corrosion resistant materials and they require two 1/8" nozzles. If you have any questions about these, contact us at our website.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.
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