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Cleaning tennis courts can be done with a pressure washer with very specific tools that will help you do it a lot faster and more effectively. One of the tools that we suggest to clean your tennis court is a surface cleaner. Obliviously, pressure washer surface cleaners can be purchased in different sizes and the difference between the larger diameter surface cleaners is that they’ll clean a larger space more efficiently and more quickly. One thing, though, that you’ll find with larger surface cleaners is that you’ll be using more pressure and more flow to drive those attachments.
And sometimes with tennis courts you have to be careful because it might be softer clay surfaces or it might be painted surfaces. And because those surfaces are more delicate, you don’t want to ruin the surface by using too aggressive of an attachment. And so with that in mind, we usually suggest using a smaller surface cleaner, maybe 18” to 20” or smaller if need be so that your pressure washer that you’re using doesn’t have so much force on that surface.?? Another good tool to use for lower pressure applications is a water broom.
The difference between a surface cleaner and a water broom in cleaning a tennis court is that a water broom is more intended for, as the name suggests, more of a sweeping action. Lighter debris such as leaves and some light caked on can be swept away. But it's not really intended for aggressive cleaning. So for more aggressive cleaning, use a surface cleaner. If the court is pretty much clean but you just want a light agitation, then use a water broom. And then for those tighter spots and corners and difficult to reach areas, we suggest using a 25 or 40 degree spray nozzle. The reason is that that spray angle is not so aggressive. A zero to 15 degree will be very aggressive on this surface. So using a wider angle will definitely be something that you would want to do.
Some best practices in cleaning is to clean from the center of the court outward so that as you're cleaning, you're coming from the center and moving out the radius to the outer edges of the court. That way, you don’t have a pooling of that dirt and grime that you’re cleaning off in the center. Using pressure washer surface cleaners, obviously, for larger areas would be a good way to go. And then for spot cleaning, use your spray nozzle. It's always a good idea to use a ball valve when switching between attachments so you can leave your pressure washer on and switch between accessories very quickly and easily. For painted surfaces, we suggest no more than 2000 PSI or less. Again, the reason being is that too great of amount of pressure, those painted surfaces can be harmed and then you’ll have a tennis court that doesn’t have the lines or areas painted that you would like them to be. And then we suggest using cold water and possibly introducing chemicals.
If you have any areas that might have some grime or mildew, you might want to use a chemical that has a mildew side product. We do sell products like that on our website. So it has an added agent to eradicate that type of stuff and to get those stains off. But cold water is all you need. Hot water would only be for grease and oil and that type of thing, which generally you don't find on a tennis court surfaces. Of course if you have any questions about any of these attachments or need advice on other things with regards to cleaning your tennis court, please feel free to give us a call. We'd be more than happy to help.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.
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