An Air Cooled Water Chillers are used to keep the temperature of concrete at a cool and even temperature. This ensures high quality concrete and even drying. When concrete is being processed in hot weather the higher temperature can adversely affect it. These coolers range from being able to cool 10 tons to 120 tons of material, depending on the size of the machine.
Why use coolers for concrete processing? When temperatures get very hot in summer it interferes with the curing and quality of the concrete. In order to keep an even cool temperature for the concrete chilled water is used. An Air Cooled Water Chiller is used to keep the concrete cool.
When the concrete temperature rises to around 77degrees Fahrenheit it interferes with the curing and the concrete mix starts to expand. When the mix cools cracks will appear in the concrete, as there will be uneven drying from expansion of the mix due to the heat.
The old fashioned way was to mix ice with the water that is added to the concrete. Temperatures could not always be controlled in this way so that the concrete would still have problems. Now an Air Cooled Water Chiller is used to cool the water for this purpose. It is more effective and cost efficient in the long run. This is because the machine will allow you to regulate the temperature of the water.
This means that you will get a consistent temperature for the concrete and will result in better quality cement. In turn this will allow you to have better production, as you will not have to cover up the cracks and redo work. When you know that the quality of the cement will be consistently good you can do more jobs in less time.
An Air Cooled Water Chiller is essential for large jobs like dams where the concrete must be of good quality and strength. If the concrete gets too hot it can weaken as much as 10%, this can be disastrous for bridges and dams, where any weakness can result in serious problems. The water for one of these projects is usually kept at around 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit.The machine is usually a heavy duty large capacity one to handle the maximum 120 tons of material at a time. This Air Cooled Water Chiller works like a large air conditioner to keep the water chilled and the concrete cool. If you purchase this unit, it has a 1 year warranty. If you are interested in effectively cleaning your concrete, check out our concrete surface cleaner.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.
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